Your Success Matters
Helping entrepreneurs to build their mindset, seize opportunity, and make their dreams come true!
Your Success Matters
Helping entrepreneurs to build their
mindset, seize opportunity, and make
their dreams come true!
Helping entrepreneurs launch their success is a passion of mine. I believe in teaching proven systems that have helped many others scale their businesses again and again. While there is not a one size fits all system, blending the successful factors with your unique personality and business, let’s launch you the RIGHT way. With a commitment to excellence and integrity, I will work with you to build not only time freedom but financial freedom for you and your loved ones.
Have you had enough?
Had enough of getting beat up in the business game?
Had enough of jumping and jumping to the next big thing
… and the next big thing …
… and the NEXT big thing?
Helping entrepreneurs launch their success is a passion of mine. I believe in teaching proven systems that have helped many others scale their businesses again and again. While there is not a one size fits all system, blending the successful factors with your unique personality and business, let’s launch you the RIGHT way. With a commitment to excellence and integrity, I will work with you to build not only time freedom but financial freedom for you and your loved ones.
Have you had enough?
Had enough of getting beat up in the business game?
Had enough of jumping and jumping to the next big thing
… and the next big thing …
… and the NEXT big thing?
By finding small lessons embedded in fascinating stories
we gain tools to overcome the trials we all face.
Eliminating doubt, maintaining your purpose in the face of adversity, recovering from misused and misdirected emotion, exercising your power of choice – these are beneficial conditions regardless of whatever worldly pursuit you're after.
Now, you can get a digital copy of my book ALL I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SUCCESS I LEARNED FROM STAR TREK for FREE. Just fill out the form and I'll send it to your in-box.
By finding small lessons embedded in fascinating stories we gain tools to overcome the trials we all face.
Eliminating doubt, maintaining your purpose in the face of adversity, recovering from misused and misdirected emotion, exercising your power of choice – these are beneficial conditions regardless of whatever worldly pursuit you're after.
Now, you can get a digital copy of my book ALL I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SUCCESS I LEARNED FROM STAR TREK for FREE. Just fill out the form and I'll send it to your in-box.
Discover the strategies tools, training and resources you can use to achieve next level success in any business.
Working from home gives you freedom and flexibility. At the same time, it can be easy to fall into bad habits and start damaging your health. If you’re eating pop-tarts for breakfast (again) while listing to a webinar in your pajamas, all this freedom and flexibility might be starting to work against you. You started working from home to make more money, have more freedom and a better lifestyle. Well, none of that will be truly possible without your health.
Schedule Your Exercise.
Do you love to work out? If so, great! Give yourself time to work out every day. But if you’re like the rest of us, joining a gym is on the list somewhere below going to the dentist. So keep it simple. Spend 30 minutes each day if possible taking a walk or riding your bike, or doing something low-key to keep yourself moving. It’s a bonus if you can find a change of scenery that lets you enjoy being outside in nature. During your workday, take advantage of your freedom by standing up and stretching every hour or so. Go ahead, do some crazy stretches and contemplate how fortunate you are to have no coworkers. You can even download an app to help you stay motivated. 7 Minute Workout is a great one that gives you short spurts of exercise you can do while working at home.
Plan Your Meals.
Eating right starts with shopping right. You’re home all day, so if you have it, you will eat it. Grubhub and other apps have made it all too easy to just order from your phone and have all kinds of fattening, energy draining, low-nutrition foods brought to the door. The next time you go to the grocery store, invest in yourself and buy some healthy snacks and meals you can eat even when you’re busy. Get lots of greens so you can juice. When you schedule regular meals and break times, you’re less likely to overwork yourself and skip meals because you got caught up in a project.
Diffuse essential oils.
Seriously. A few of my favorites are Armor Defense Blend and Strengthen-Joy Blend. You can message me to learn more about how to get these vitalizing oils. Just turning on the diffuser can give you a feeling of well-being. Spending a moment taking care of yourself can make a big difference in your state of mind.
After all, prioritizing your mental health is as important as prioritizing your physical health. So consider, what is appropriate for this workday? Do you need calming oils to reduce your anxiety? Or do you need something to invigorate and energize you?
Take vitamins.
Fact is, you can’t get enough nutrients from the food you eat because of the change in farming practices. Unless, of course, you are eating 12 cups or more of organic fresh veggies a day. When you are working from home, you may tend to eat quick meals so giving your body all it needs with vitamins is super important. I take high quality vitamins and I feel a huge difference when I take them from when I don’t. It’s night and day. Take supplements that you feel great with.
Set your work from home business hours.
You’ll set distinct on-off hours for your work. It’s easy to have it consume your entire day but that may lead to you resenting the time you put into it. If you have a family, this is especially important. Make time for the things you want to do outside of work. Tidy up your workspace and put everything away, so you don’t have to look at it while you’re relaxing. Switch the oils in your diffuser to an after-work blend and remind yourself that you’re done, and it’s time to relax.
Get enough sleep.
Most people need seven to eight hours of sleep a night to feel their best. Put time limits on work, and stick to them. Are your time limits realistic? If you plan to go to bed at 10, don’t expect to work right up until 9:55 a.m. Have a schedule that allows you to wind down, relax and get enough rest.
Prioritizing your health will lead to more productivity and joy in what you do. Even more importantly, taking care of your mental and physical well-being will help you enjoy a happier life. After all, that’s the reason you’re working at home in the first place.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nisi nunc, tincidunt non nibh non, ullamcorper facilisis lectus. Sed accumsan metus viverra turpis faucibus, id elementum tellus.